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The beautiful outer archipelago outside Gräsö is a first-class experience in many ways. Normally, only few pleasure boats are seen around these outermost skerries. Sometimes curious razorbills come to meet and check what kind of a funny type you are. You are seldom greeted with better welcoming ceremonies!

However, you should be a well-experienced kayaker when heading to these open waters. If this is the case, you can look forward to some fine kayaking for one or several days’ excursion.

Depending on which part of Gräsö archipelago you prefer, there are several starting places to choose from if you bring your kayak by car from e.g. Östhammar where there is a kayak rental. One of the alternatives is Långnäsviken, situated northeast of Norrboda. Rosten on southern Gräsö is another ideal place, even if it can be a little bit difficult to park the car so that it won’t block the road. Äspskär on Gräsö’s southern point is a good alternative as there is an area for long-term parking. From here you can also catch the inter-island ferry to Rävsten where you can rent a kayak.

Last Updated ( Friday, 15 February 2008 )